How sick can it be spin? 7 possible causes

Are accepted that this disease is not curable, and itself passes. But in fact, everything much more difficult it may be. Which might be the cause of back pain and what medical help do you require?

back pain

Nov load

85% cases of chronic or episodic excessive loads associated with low back pain waist. Do not be surprised: even if exercise is not pulls, and the severity of the crash and why that is taking so long for a bed, day and night, your back muscles are still alive every other day. When you sit on it, for example, before the monitor, exactly where they have to protect the largest portion of the body. So doctors, who runs in a table, how "deep" sit in a chair on the back based.

However, diagnosis fatigue "back" anyone. Usually, mild back pain, including "vague reasons" (this maybe a temporary injury, ligament or Nov) and treatment and I threw a glance towards peace, in the Chair. After 2 weeks or if the pain continues you should again ask your doctor to be done on a regular basis, a more detailed examination.

Compression fracture

According to the data, the American Medical Association, such a diagnosis in approximately 4% of patients with back pain. Compression fracture — vertebra fracture, frequently occurring in the elderly and in patients with osteoporosis. In this disease, the bone becomes less dense and break under pressure only body mass index. Trauma fractures therefore are not included in this category. So it may not be noticeable by the patient himself, will break yourself how life — only pain will be sharp nagging to talk about it.

This treatment fractures the bed mode and the exact drug complexes, versatile, a low sensation of pain.

Herniated disc

Spine hernia — a fairly common problem, then, of humans, occurring in 40 (although it can be diagnosed at an early age). The reason is — Nov and connective tissues degeneration. With age the spine "settles in" — closer to each other pinned down the spine, intervertebral discs and the vertebral column outside of the protrusion is flattened. The result is the same nerve roots which leads to impaction acute headaches, back pain, and legs.

Localization of pain often ask, where's the doctor hernia can be found. However, to confirm the diagnosis and determine the correct position of the hernia, usually magnetic resonance tomography (MRI).


This situation is 5-7% of the population occurs in the diagnosis, however, less often (most often chronic low back pain not only humans, but caution). A vertebra a normal foot (usually 5. lumbar) distort how life "creeps" alt bulging forward or back. A similar ladder into the spine of the plot, it's not appropriate, it's a foot.

All the same symptoms — pain in the lower back, sometimes hips, lower extremity may rarely be granted. Squeeze offset vertebral nerve roots, the spinal cord and causes pain that feels like waste.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis is another name for this diseases. Mostly men, both young and old. Women make up less that one-sixth of all the patients.

ankylosing spondylitis

Mostly manifested by pain and stiffness, a nagging pain with low back pain, hips, back muscles and constant stress. Why, inflamed joints and ligaments of the spine. A chronic progressive disease, i.e., holding the lumbar spine, inflammation spreads to the neck and chest. Moreover, over time may be affected connective tissue, internal organs, circulatory system, lungs, kidneys, and even eyes. However, the disease rarely occurs — "put" approximately 0.35 to patients.


Approximately 0.7% of the patients the complaints of back pain, discovered later, cancer tumors. This cancer could be initially localized in the area, or spine tumor, metastasis of other organs. As shown in the statistics, such cases are extremely rare: cancer is usually the "catch" and other symptoms, and if it didn't, before the cancer, back pain a precursor to many of this terrible diagnosis.

Defeat the spine contagious

Someone a rare cause of back pain (0,01%). Usually, the infection begins with the spine, not the lumbar gets from other parts of the body via the blood and urine through the channel, for example. Other infectious lesions, usually accompanied by fever. But in the meantime, "back pains + fire" doesn't mean you infected the spine. Can cause the same symptoms as the regular flu.