Osteoarthritis of cranes

Deforming arthrosis (osteoarthritis) – this progressive pathology, fatty degeneration in the cartilage and articular surfaces and electrical why until a complete destruction, a common area.

Deforming arthrosis usually mature and detect the factors that accompanies old age, and diseases, usually a meat, but is a clinic that presents itself.

Cranes are most common and widespread pathology of osteoarthritis of a joint. When it is encountered in 70% of all joint disease.


The exact cause deforming osteoarthritis, to today, is not fully explained, but highlighted some of the factors that significantly increases a probability of development. First of all, this aging and degenerative changes in the tissues of the joint cartilage and Events general bag.

Factors in the development of osteoarthritis can be divided into:

  • dis - excessive joint attributed to them (e.g., because of lifting heavy weights), permanent injury, professional effects, cooling, joint,
  • inner - strained ligaments and joints with the influence of heredity, and changing changes in women ovarian dysfunction, vascular catastrophe, impaired blood circulation, cartilage tissues, obesity.

Such as deforming arthrosis may be a symptom of alcoholism or myxedema, or acromegaly treatment, hormones, congenital hip dislocation, Marfan's syndrome (a genetic disorder characterized by hyperactivity, elongation of bones and joints). joint immobility)

The stages of development

Deforming osteoarthritis has a natural sequential phases in the development of each other, the following assets:

  • slimming hydrated cartilage, thinning and drying why,
  • and cartilage formation defects and cracks,
  • the destruction of the cartilage, a sharp narrowing of the joint space at the same time,
  • the edges of cartilage and bone lost,
  • after the seal is compensatory, remained a bone without the cartilage surface,
  • corruption, joint sprains, fractures, and extremity committing the violation.

Deforming osteoarthritis symptoms


First of all, the main manifestation of a deforming osteoarthritis

  • pain, joint, or increased exercise after night,
  • the affected individual joints,
  • the affected joints is not symmetrical,
  • findings these sometimes joint involvement common,
  • no fever,
  • a powerful rash,joint
  • no changes in the tests.

The process more often, knee, hip or articulating our results.

The extent to which the disease progresses to destruction of cartilage, consists of painful joint blockade, walking, self-denying and causes severe pain to stop legs move. Small pieces of cartilage or bone a piece of falling therefore the joint cavity (joint, "mouse").

The joints in the phalanges of the area revealed a nodular, hard training, very deformed joints, the muscles of course, not atrophy, no joint immobility.

Sensible of motion within the joint friction rough surfaces due to the crisis and each other.

Contractures can be created with limited mobility because of the pain (Nov contraction), what about a shortened leg, an arm.

Osteoarthritis of cranes, similar to his findings various forms of arthritis, primarily rheumatoid arthritis you need to distinguish it.


Typical criteria for the diagnosis of deforming osteoarthritis don't get to know her out of it only on the nodes phalanx trail. Osteoarthritis occurs in doubt:

  • in typical cases, joint
  • long-term illness for many years in the development of
  • elderly patient.

Basic radiological diagnostic data, the resulting previously-term clinical results and pain syndrome.

The crack of joint space narrowing was manifested with the change, flattening and buckling and deformation of the joint surfaces, instability, a common area with my notebook, visible edge growth, bone, osteosclerosis (increased bone density excessively).

Spines of bone that occur as it progresses-shaped hillocks, the joint gap may be sphenoid.

In the entire study, arthroscopy, study, the lack of blood with signs of inflammation.

Joint fluid around the necessary research.

Treatment deforming osteoarthritis

The same symptoms may be signs of various diseases and illness that may occur, not the textbook. Attempt self-treatment, consult your doctor.

Engaged in treatment and Orthopedic Associates.

Deforming osteoarthritis, treatment methods in addition to the accession process depends on the degree of joint with time, the lesion, the presence of pain syndrome.

First and foremost, applied conservative treatment

  • fall joint loads
  • weight reduction,
  • the application course metabolites aloe, vitreous or intramuscular gumsole lessons
  • stimulants used intramuscular injection cartilage recovery courses.


  • drug use,
  • anti-inflammatory treatment.

Inflammation of the joints shown, the course hormones – hydrocortisone in the joints.

Also used plant, massage, physiotherapy, effect of mud, thermal effect. A useful spa treatment.

Helps in advanced cases, surgical treatment, joint replacement, joint. Shown later unloading joints, reduce body weight, walking foot, cane, or crutches, physical therapy.


Cranes is progressing slowly but steadily without osteoarthritis of the necessary treatment time. Why is disability an important fracture properties, joint disorders, movement. Therefore, when it occurs, the first symptoms of osteoarthritis the active treatment period is shown in the course of 1-2 months.