Why back pain under the left paddle: pain causes, symptoms and treatment

Pain under left shoulder because of a lot of the reasons may be, we must emphasize the most common disease.

  1. Osteochondritis cervical, as well as orange.
  2. Left-sided pneumonia.
  3. Acute bronchitis.
  4. Abscess of the left lung.
  5. Myocardial infarction.
  6. Angina pectoris.
  7. Rib fracture or severe traumatic injury.

This is just a short list of the diseases that can cause a sharp pain.

Of course, the judge occurs when it can't be the only symptom of a specific disease, and you need to evaluate all complex problems, the circle of probable cause narrowing down pain.

Symptoms and pain

back pain

As mentioned above, pain under the shoulder blade can be quite different, the ending is stupid that nagging little discomfort and pain.

So, what kind of pain can be called?

  • Acute pain increases from below to some extent when cornering, as well as while driving.
  • Strong, modern feeling left.
  • It doesn't even stop the pain of a permanent stain relaxation time and relaxation.
  • Pain significantly in advanced cases, a person with a deep inhale and exhale.
  • A feeling of nausea or prolonged vomiting after the sharp pain subsides.

Depends on nature of pain, and all diagnostic and characteristic symptoms. So, for example, aortic aneurysm, aortic signs of pain, it doesn't seem even a permanent character, the rest of the period.

An unpleasant feeling, it's very fast for a few days to get an almost irresistible character.

The pain of pleurisy too cutting press, cutting services, quickly arise and disappear. Also the pain depends on the severity of respiratory frequency and depth, that is, more taking a deep breath, adam, feels a great disturbance.

A character wears the pain of intense inflammation of the lungs. Aching that arise in the process, gives full of unpleasant sensations in the left side.

An emotion, every pain or another disease. However, the final output must be made to make a detailed description about the cause of the problem.

You know, there are herbal massage rod-shaped this includes: - aromatherapy, acupuncture, yoga, heated biologically active points.


Usually the primary diagnosis of the disease at the time of survey and a comprehensive examination.

Depending on whether Dr. installs, pain, movement, food processing. The expert also figures, often behind the time of day hurts under the left shoulder blade.

During the diagnosis of the disease usually are assigned to the following procedures:

  1. X-ray study, pathological helps to see problems with the spine.
  2. Pull electrocardiogram, what happens, except for any heart disease.
  3. X-rays help not a disease, is sometimes necessary a CT.
  4. Fegds the process can also be appointed, if signs and symptoms, ulcers, gastritis and other stomach disorders.
  5. Process diagnostics can't do, and no common blood.

The diagnosis of the disease usually helps to precisely determine and prescribe an effective treatment to resolve any pain.

Which doctors should be treated?

In this case, if a person is under pain of the paddle, what to know about her to the doctor for treatment are diagnosed with the disease.

Most often this becoming expert, trauma, cardiologists, gastroenterologists. In the case of problems in connection with the disease, spine, I need to ask you, doctor.

Sometimes pain can cause serious mental disabilities, and in such a case, necessary see a psychiatrist.

Sometimes nervous tension and stress, you need to make Massage the neck and neck region, just relieve the swelling, but also to get rid of a headache.

Pain treatment with massage

back massage

Feeling a serious pain to deal effectively massage. Of course, such treatment only if the doctor first massage.

For example, it hurts under the left side paddle, which helps reduce massage a pleasant feeling, sometimes completely eliminating them.

However, ulcerative diseases, would affect that massage does not contribute, on the contrary corruption may cause disease.

Procedure was carried out a very important Professional is the expert you need to know exactly, which technique to use and at what level of intensity.

Usually, the procedure starts with warming massage and then the light passes the effects to be used in place of an expert points to the problem area.

If a person lives a significant worsening discomfort and pain during the process, it is better to avoid.

Each expert's own massage technique, but usually this technical assistance to at least the third session.


Serious back pain as a symptom to ignore so clear and under the shovel from the back is not good.

The show is more often about the development of a serious disease, and therefore, it is best to consult an expert. By finding the cause of the symptom to prescribe this treatment.