Gives back and stomach pain: causes, symptoms, to treat more

In time when you listen, your body will ignore incoming signals and sends the most serious pathologies and their consequences can be avoided. As a phenomenon that cannot be ignored, especially pain. That gets rid of most people with a painful feeling analgesics, existing home in the medicine cabinet. But such is unacceptable as a treatment method: not given to help a temporary problem is solved.

the throat, belly, and gives it back

If you have stomach pain, recoil is acceptable in other places the nature and symptoms of the disease. Typically, such discomfort, epigastric gives back. Symptoms may appear to not an experienced person in the medical field of data that are not interconnected and ima a different disease. However, this is a misconception: pain in epigastric region and back pain – often it's the same organ, the symptoms of dysfunction.

Possible disease

1. Perforated (performative) ulcer.

A direct representation of the flaw, the stomach lining, causing the abdominal cavity, a hollow organ Lumen merge occurs. At the same time cutting back as a pathology that is characterized by pain under the right shoulder, a shovel, or clavicle), and epigastric and other symptoms:

  • abdominal muscles sudden voltage;
  • projection cold sweat;
  • pale cover;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • inability to move and breathe deeply.

Sometimes such a complication is accompanied by vomiting, a few hours later, due to the presence of abdominal distention and gas.

2. Liver (bile) colic.

Acute disease State, advanced on the background dyskinesia (motility disorder) bile ducts. His symptoms manifesting bright:

  • occurs, a sudden shock seizure upper quadrant (what looks like a person, throat, stomach), returns in the sequel, neck, back, right shoulder blade (between shoulder blades pain or propagates);
  • gaining a darker shade of urine;
  • notes persistent nausea and vomiting;
  • body temperature rises;
  • cala discoloration.

3. Appendicitis.

The process of inflammation in the cecum (appendix), basically, begins with a development of core irradiation at the bottom right of blunt abdominal and back pain and thanks to. Additional symptoms become apparent 12-18 hours for this:

  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent bouts of vomiting;
  • liquid or solid stools;
  • shivering with fever and chills;
  • tenesmus that getting (urine and bowel movements are extremely painful urination or craving for law ineffective).

4. Pancreatitis.

An enzymatic cases, the pancreas, the patient complained of intense stomach pain, giving, behind, and under the chest wall, an advanced in a moment after dinner. The patient's fever, the observed heart rate acceleration, increased blood pressure, swollen abdomen, nausea and vomiting. During the day, an umbrella unexplained fatigue, possible fainting.

5. Cholecystitis.

This disease gall bladder symptoms imply an inflammatory process under similar hepatic colic. However, in this case, the form of acute cholecystitis specificity-specific:

  • a specific upper quadrant pain the right side and it starts slowly in the abdomen, a big part of accepting it (someone may appear, this stomach pain), and reflected the right arm, and back pain;
  • Obraztsov is a visible symptom (i.e. attacks intensified right foot to fix the full);
  • the difference weakening of body, speech, cold sweat, pain in the mouth;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • occasionally nausea, vomiting, mass additive containing bile.
the causes of pain

6. Intestinal obstruction.

This syndrome is characterized by progressive intestinal contents (glands, masses of food and the intestinal portions), a different manifestation of the following symptoms:

  • the current is a little obvious, aching pain in the lower abdomen, it returns the left side;
  • increased body temperature;
  • seen cramps (Nov spasm) of the abdominal organs;
  • type stools.

Ill also frequently indicates a stomach ache, gives radiates to the chest and back.

Other causes of pain

Women, when it gives you a stomach ache, lower abdomen and back, the possibility of developing ectopic pregnancy (fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries or even snow). Surgical treatment only if the diagnosis is confirmed (mostly because of where the process is performed laparoscopically, 3 puncture – middle, right and left).

In this case the flow of physiological (masterbatch) in the region of epigastric pain in pregnancy, a complication that could come back together with her effective (up to threatened interruption) with:

  • stretching of the ligaments supporting the uterus;
  • overvoltage abdominal muscles;
  • a pathological condition, gastrointestinal system.

Gives back if frequent stomach pain, neurological and gynecologic (fibroids, adnexitis chronic) disorders. This is a disease with the same symptoms, lungs, and pleura. So, for example, can mimic a sciatic pain attack and pneumonia during the official "acute abdomen" using the left or right boca (the pleura lung lesions, inflammation and localization of the Leaf is connected).

With the dedication of your current pain in the lower abdomen, lower back as well as tingling and burning sensation during urination, something to talk about urinary tract infection. Secondary symptoms this service:

  • blurry, dark colored urine (possible blood) with him a strong smell;
  • existence is yellowish discharge;
  • feeling inadequate bladder emptying;
  • body aches;
  • acute pain during sexual intercourse (women).

The abdominal organs get nervous all the software segment of the spine, cannot be ignored and its associated disorders: back pain, thoracic or lumbar herniated disc, cancer, low back pain (lumbago, pain in the waist area, not only the stomach but also the hips and rib cage) and other pathologies of the back.

Take what?

What you need to do now is ill – considered to reduce the horizontal position of the load the spine and reduce pain syndrome. Attack when weakened, can be a sharp rise speech: first of all, go back and right or left side (a wound), to be at the same time leaning both knees and palms, and then slowly prop up to help using.

If it wears stomach pain, piercing, cutting tools, air and violence, gives, neck, back, waist, shoulder or chest Department of an accepted analgesic, anti-inflammatory action. However, it is unacceptable to treat yourself to proceed further: to visit a doctor immediately or call an ambulance.


Timely inspection specialist, the examples specified in the diagnostic activities ( intravenous urography, procedure, PH measurement, gastroscopy) and submission of the required testing (urine, stool, blood) to eliminate not only capable of unpleasant, sometimes even painful symptoms, but to avoid the possible consequences. Therefore, always occurs when stomach pain, radiating to the lower abdomen, chest, back or other parts of the body in the follow-up, seek medical care. Only professional diagnosis and treatment permit a successful health problems.