Why sore back under ribs?

Vague pain in ribs and back is capable of understand that balance and everyone. The pain of the crisis – there is no reason to panic, and the ability to understand their illness. Pain – this is a signal that you need to get some precautions. In typical cases, the pain in ribs and back there quite some reasons.

rib and back pain reasons

Sore ribs under the disease group

To highlight several important diseases:

  • Digestive system disease – pancreatitis, or pancreatitis, cholecystitis, spleen disease;
  • Injuries – bruises and a broken rib, rupture of the spleen;
  • The disease of the respiratory system – pleurisy, pneumonia;
  • Kidney stone disease, renal colic, first of all;
  • Hernia back pain and spine;
  • The disease the peripheral nerves – intercostal neuralgia, both autonomic disorders pain circulates over the entire surface tread.

The reason for the work yourself, at least from back in the lumbar region examination, enough 2-3 hours.

Always a margin of error with a violation of the bound pain digestive nutrition, provokes acute and chronic diseases of the season. Cholecystitis, the pain classic time – plenty of food enzymes and digestive juices split after 2-4 hours after a bolus when necessary.

With pancreatitis the pain in the lumbar region is very strong, "Dagger" on left rib further, the crisis the last two days. Provokes very fatty foods, especially in combination with alcohol.

Throat, ribs and the back stretching the capsule of the spleen, diseases of blood, chronic low-intensity infections, sepsis, autoimmune processes in. This rib pain with food intake is almost irrelevant.

Injury, back pain

The most dangerous injury, the spleen and the liver breaks them. These organs are the lungs of actively functioning fabric, a limited capsule.

Parenchyma – the same function as the organ of the main fabric. Therefore, the examination consists of liver parenchyma.

The structure of the fabric is soft, there is very little support elements. Parenchyma cannot strike against. The cells of the capsule when it is disconnected "fail". Such breaks are dangerous because of massive blood loss, the blood vessels in the cells of literally everywhere.

Any shock or personal injury by the rib in the area of people not necessarily the post-treatment plant and discharge out of there just in time that cannot be detected any internal bleeding.

Retroperitoneal hematoma dangerous space, which my aching back from behind. This is sometimes an injury to the kidney and the adrenal glands, and 12 duodenal ulcer. Bother, just pain under the ribs, back and rear, but sudden weakness, falling blood pressure together.

Compared with rib fractures, a ruptured liver or spleen – where less danger. Just follow the track to the pleural space is not pierced.

The pleura and kidney

The ribs and back pain in the area may be dry pleurisy, the pleura rub together when plugs. If possible, while working during tuberculosis, oncological processes in the lung. Such a pain that increases with any movement, coughing or sneezing. Furthermore bothers, shortness of breath, nasolabial triangle appears blue.

Any chest pain or back it is desirable to perform an ECG to exclude myocardial infarction.

The rescue is back and ribs pain discharge substances in the urinary tract. Especially heavy outbound Urat – rocks potassium and sodium salts of uric acid. And remember, they are similar beans. They are an impressive size, very intense. To jump to the branch must thoroughly ureteral stone.

back treatment

Oxalates – less dense, shallow, easily flaking, but not necessarily the inner part of the urinary tract causes inflammation in harm's way.

Neurological causes

Various violations of these nerve roots the spinal cord. The channel may be corrupted sport hernia bone to be compressed, Nov, piece-Life Group, life sleeve. Back pain and rib very strong, sometimes it's impossible to even breathe.

A big problem – intercostal neuralgia, when it spreads every breath a burning pain, pain all back and chest. The backbone of the degenerative processes of this disease is a complication occurring and only. To contribute to the development of metabolic disorders, the carrier virus, endocrine disorders, myocardial contractility and heart rhythm abnormalities or texture when not to get enough power and oxygen.

Autonomic disorders Development Mechanism remains unclear, wavy changes in physiological parameters, respiration rate, heart rate and blood pressure), pain in back and ribs all immigrant this accompany.