author Mariana



  • In this article you will learn the difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis. Which is more dangerous: arthritis or osteoarthritis? Characteristics of the treatment and prevention of arthritis and osteoarthritis.
    12 August 2021
  • The pain the lower spine, the waist - this is one of the most common complaints when accessing a doctor. L is the biggest load areas in comparison with the rest linked to the backbone, the lumbar are exposed to injuries.
    17 November 2018
  • The disease, which can cause pain right side waist. The character of the pain and additional symptoms, which is useful in the diagnosis of diseases.
    18 October 2018
  • Couldn almost every person in a Nov back pain. His emergence, perhaps, a harmless phenomenon, or to witness people with severe disease. Regardless, why has emerged, definitely see a doctor.
    15 September 2018