author Ioana Nicolle

Ioana Nicolle


  • In this article you can learn what causes low back pain and what treatments can be used for various diseases without harming your health. It tells about the most common diseases and related pathological changes in the tissues of the spine.
    28 February 2022
  • Osteoarthritis of the knee joint: features of the disease (risk groups, causes of development, symptoms of manifestation), types of pathology and stages of progression, consequences and possible complications, diagnostic rules, methods of treatment, prevention.
    27 October 2020
  • Back pain, lumbar? Learn the causes back pain. The treatment of back and waist, using ointments, pills, Gymnastics back pain. When is your surgery?
    25 November 2018
  • If you have a strong back pain: effective control and prevention methods
    20 October 2018
  • This is back pain during pregnancy itself is not extraordinary, but rather is a natural phenomenon. Let's see, why is this happening and what have you if it hurts, and you can't buy traditional pain relievers pregnant.
    20 September 2018
  • Bubnovsky gymnastics background and the gist of what is a disease symptoms; physical therapy exercise Preparation; 7 bubnovsky exercise for cervical
    4 August 2018